Category: About Us

  • How Ablis Gives Back To Help The Planet (And How You Can Help Too)

    How Ablis Gives Back To Help The Planet (And How You Can Help Too)

    If you’ve been following us for a while, you might have noticed we’re kind of into the whole nature thing. In fact, Ablis got its start on the trails, slopes, and rock faces right here in Central Oregon. But the outdoors aren’t just our playground. Here at Ablis, we’re excited to share a company culture…

  • Why Ablis Loves Living in Bend, Oregon

    Why Ablis Loves Living in Bend, Oregon

    By Ablis CBD  Jim Bendis and Max Bendis founded Ablis CBD in the city of Bend, OR: home to outdoor-loving, creative people like them. Jim settled down in Bend after graduating from University of Oregon in 1983. He says that this town is “an outdoor enthusiast’s nirvana”. His son, Max (who was born and raised…

  • An Epic Twelve Hours in Bend, Oregon with Max Bendis

    An Epic Twelve Hours in Bend, Oregon with Max Bendis

    By Max Bendis With everything that has happened this year and so many states going back into lockdown, I can’t help but daydream about going places and doing things. Remember having plans? This year has definitely made me appreciate the little things like walking around town or sitting in a coffee shop, so my best…

  • My CBD Journey – Jim, the founder, explains how he started Ablis CBD

    My CBD Journey – Jim, the founder, explains how he started Ablis CBD

    Have you tried CBD? What is your experience? Whether young or old, athlete or not, CBD has become an important part of our lives.  As an aging athlete myself, I thought it would be fun to share my journey to give insight on CBD and how it could help with your journey. I founded Ablis…

  • Staying True To Our Craft Beverage Roots: CBD drinks at Ablis

    Staying True To Our Craft Beverage Roots: CBD drinks at Ablis

    I started making CBD beverages with my son Max in 2014, and we were essentially creating a new product category. CBD tinctures and gummies were becoming available, but a craft beverage with CBD was unheard of. Luckily, we’d been down that road before. Ablis was born out of a long tradition of innovative craft beverage…

  • We’re Ablis. And This is the Story of Ablis’ CBD Journey.

    We’re Ablis. And This is the Story of Ablis’ CBD Journey.

    Ablis is a father-son venture that started with a dream. Literally. The idea for the first-ever CBD beverage came to my dad, Jim Bendis in his sleep one night during the summer of 2014. As a triathlete, Jim was very health conscious and would often think of ways to optimize training sessions or recover from…