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Hemp Oil vs. CBD Oil: What’s the difference between them?
Are you confused when it comes to hemp oil and CBD oil? Are they the same thing?
Though they are both derived from the hemp plant, these oils contain different compounds and have different uses.
I’m here to demystify the vague and oftentimes confusing marketing in the industry and explain the parts of the hemp plant used to extract both oils. After reading this article you’ll be able to make an educated purchasing decision based on your particular needs.
Why CBD at Ablis?
When Oregon legalized in 2014, we started by infusing our beverages with THC. Our co-founder, Max, had the idea to experiment with a new cannabinoid that was gaining popularity. The cannabinoid that piqued his interest was CBD.
CBD is one of many cannabinoids present in the hemp plant. It is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid, meaning it doesn’t give you that high feeling associated with THC. CBD is said to assist in recovery for active lifestyles and promote an overall feeling of well-being. It can be ingested or used topically.
Our founders, Jim and Max, wanted to make an infused beverage that could be shipped nationwide. So, they chose to use CBD isolate, which is totally free of THC, based on a huge demand for non-psychoactive cannabis products.
They decided to make a drink that wouldn’t get you high but could give you the beneficial properties of cannabis.
What’s With all the Acronyms?
CBD, THC, MCT… It’s confusing, I know. There are so many products on the market that boast the benefits of CBD, hemp oil, or hemp seed oil – but what’s the difference?
Here’s what you need to know. CBD and THC are basically sister molecules in cannabis. CBD has all the benefits of cannabis, without the feeling of euphoria you get from THC. Hemp oil contains neither CBD nor THC, but also comes from the hemp plant. It claims a long list of health benefits all on its own.
So, They’re Both Hemp?
Yes! Hemp oil and CBD oil are both derived from the hemp plant, just different parts. Hemp is categorized as a type of cannabis. However, it’s properties are put to use differently than traditional cannabis.
Hemp seed oil, which is the same as hemp oil just a tad more specific, comes from the actual seeds. CBD is harvested from the leaves, buds, and stalks of the hemp plant.
Though they come from the same plant, hemp oil does not contain CBD, and vice versa.
Hemp seed oil does contain essential fatty acids like Omega-3, Omega-6, and a lot of Vitamins B and E. The seeds themselves are nut-like in texture and taste, plus a quality source of plant-based protein. The vitamin dense oil is used frequently for its nutritional value and can also be used topically to ease several skin and hair conditions.
While we don’t manufacture hemp seed oil at Ablis, we aren’t lacking in the healthy ingestible/topical fat department. Our MCT oil offers similar nutritional benefits to hemp oil and can be mixed into most beverages or used topically.
MCT oil is not made from hemp and it does not contain CBD. MCT stands for Medium-Chain Triglycerides. These fats are more easily and more quickly burned than long-chain triglycerides, making them a super powerful source of fatty acids, much like hemp seed oil.
Both MCT oil and hemp seed oil support a healthy immune system and are effective in activating ketosis or using stored fat for energy. They can both aid in maintaining a healthy weight and improving your overall energy.
You can moisturize with MCT oil, use it as a substitute for olive oil while cooking (up to 200 degrees), and add it to any beverage, along with your trusty CBD oil.
We think that MCT oil and CBD oil are a winning combo because you get the nutritional value of the fatty acids in the MCT while activating those regenerative properties of CBD. It truly is the best of both worlds.
RELATED: The Benefits of Hemp
Are they legal?
CBD can contain no more than 0.3% THC to be considered technically legal in all fifty states. I say technically because some states still prohibit hemp cultivation and manufacturing, so while deemed federally legal, it’s not as readily available everywhere. Hemp-derived CBD maintains these lower levels and is considered legal on a federal level.
Hemp oil contains zero cannabinoids, so it is perfectly legal everywhere. And I do mean everywhere. It can now be found in products in most pharmacies and grocery stores across the U.S.
What to Look for Before Purchasing
Marketing for these products can be super vague and difficult to know exactly what quality and what compounds of hemp you are actually consuming.
So, how do you ensure you’re getting the best quality and the full spectrum of benefits?
Know your sources and know your terms.
In Oregon, our hemp regulations are pretty great. The quality of product here is going to be some of the best this region has to offer. The FDA doesn’t monitor CBD production yet, so it’s important to make sure your products have undergone third-party testing.
You may see hemp oil products marketed as “cannabis seed oil” or “Cannabis sativa oil” because they are technically coming from a Cannabis sativa plant. This can be misleading given there is no THC present in these products, which is what these terms are usually associated with.
CBD is also called “cannabidiol,” but is almost always referred to as CBD. Regulations prohibit the shipping of CBD products in certain states, making online marketing oftentimes vague for liability sake.
Overall, look for brand transparency. Check the labels. Where is the hemp coming from? What is the extraction method? Is it isolate or broad-spectrum? Was there third-party testing?
Sometimes these questions will take a bit more research to answer. Check company websites and product reviews. Their sites will be a pretty fair indicator of the quality of their product. Use your best judgment.
RELATED: Know Who’s Behind Your CBD
How to Supplement Your Lifestyle with CBD
For me, I definitely get the most out of CBD topicals to soothe sore muscles after a workout.
The product I use most often is our CBD muscle rub. I’m pretty active and encounter stress daily, so the muscle rub is my go-to.
Whether you prefer topicals or ingestible compounds, CBD can fit into any active lifestyle and all of us here at Ablis are proof!
What’s the right choice for me?
If you’re seeking the balance and calm that CBD can provide, hemp oil is most likely not what you’re looking for.
If you’re hoping to beef up your beverages with a heavy dose of protein and vitamins, hemp seed oil or MCT oil would be a solid addition to supplement your lifestyle.
While we can’t guarantee the integrity of every company out there, adding CBD, hemp oil, or MCT to your habitual beverages, food, or skincare could potentially benefit you in many ways.
Do your research. State regulations could mean that these products vary. Just be aware of what you are purchasing and from whom.
Why not try them all and see how they can significantly enhance your daily routine? Choose wisely to cater to your needs, but don’t be afraid to experiment since none of these ingredients are psychoactive.
Happy dosing!